Friday, July 02, 2010

'the Fourth of July! Again'*

'the Fourth of July! Again'* timothy r gates, 7/02/2010

rockets red glare
bursting in air –
gave proof –
Our Flag was still there!

sinew, bones
flying everywhere
praying for blessings,
of homicidal accidents,
praying for propitiation,
'Lord have mercy,'
after the fact
too many facts

ruddy hues, dust's vessels
painting new earth pigments,
wishing there was no need to –
John Brown or MLK
could not anticipate such proliferation
The Bomb,
still the Newspeak
context for pretexts,
making sure Our Flag stays there!

The Fourth of July! Again
please, no missing fingers from sparklers
please, no m-19 blowouts
please, children's laughter fill the air.

*Every year I revisit our nation's heritage. I remain grateful for the place I call home, and
for those who have and do keep me free to call her home. Every year, it seems, that I also
find myself being reminded of all those who have died, from all sides, in all wars, and the the largest
number of these people are never reported. They have come to be called 'collateral damage.'
A soldier, I believe, merely does what they're commanded, no matter what the side they're
fighting. The billions of collateral damage people have just been in the way of the bullets and weapons
being used to kill the enemy. Let's be honest, those lost as collateral damage are murdered, not
killed. Counties and nations love to have glorious wars hymns written in order to help cover
the actual consequences of war. 'Mine eyes have seen the coming of the Lord,' is both one of the best
iconic examples of this, as well as one of the most perverse songs of war's victories. I look forward
to a day when our children need not fear their parents need to win one more time.


Blogger The Voyager said...


10:42 AM  

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