Monday, November 29, 2010

'Retail during the hol-i-days'

'Retail during the hol-i-days' timothy r gates, 11/29/2010

Folks of varying hues
affectations galore
no ventriloquist
what keeps impressionists busy,
stand-up comics too.
First thought,
'Jesus loves the little children...'
But then they come in
you immediately feel the energy pull,
those ten percenters,
sweat shop bosses
field foremen,
finding some way to summon,
pissed at your lack of
vertical ascent
horizontal attentiveness, followed by,
'I deserve to be served now?'
Here's the evolutionary blip,
the missing link,
perhaps the interspecies dilemma,
the difference between:
'How much is the dogie in the window?'
'Gimme that dogie, now! It's mine!' –
Young person, would've been institutionalized in my youth,
interrupts my aggravation, smiling,
'Sir, thank you for helping me.'


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