Monday, January 16, 2012

"hypocrisy, still, also, normal"

"hypocrisy, still, also, normal" t r gates, 1/11-16/2012

Miters worn, torn,
for real or metaphorically,
drive their sheep,
unlike the good shepherd,
declaring heresies and heretics,
not knowing being a monk
from eating monk.
Drunks, robe wearing folk,
and others loving purple and colours close to such illusions,
call their buzz feasting,
tell others who should marry,
say they 'know,'
then accuse others of gnosticism.
Politicians speaking of life's sanctity
yet perpetuating the war machine -
speaking about family and marriage
yet theirs being 3-4x's a demise.
Mirrors aren't desired (by me either).
For certain, inconsistency is normal --
sad, so is hypocrisy. Mercy


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