Friday, April 01, 2016

Whatever,however you do, do not spend this day, I wish that you share your love with another--and my friends missing beloveds no longer in the time's space, it matters not the day other than you know you're not complaining and laughing together. Love is.  Enjoy, my friends. Thank you. Love. And, more.
'Holidays, yes varied'              timothyrgates,3/26/2016
one tradition borrows from
another's tradition,
Pagans and Christians
Moons and red eggs
Empty tomb and Solstice dances.
Pascha, my tradition,
still uses two millennium old dating -
Passover's "never forget,"
four millennium before
another's A.D.,
Bread and Wine,
more than remembering.
Ramadan, months before,
seems near,
but nearer is Milad un Nabi (Muhammad's birthday)
Winter Solstice, Hanukkah,
and another December one -
Bodhi Day (yes, Buddah's 'enlightenment'),
and Nativity, or Advent.
Civil and Family holdays
days off work (less and less, every year, it seems),
government offfices, banks,
and many businesses closed,
opportunity for any tradition,
if just the tradition of being together
without a time clock.
children don't give a s',
fun is fun
celebrating is celebrating,
as long as our holidays kept
are not in the way of playing.
Holidays, yes varied,
hurrah for breathing.


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