Saturday, May 19, 2018


‘May 4, 1970 - May 4, 2018’ trgates,5/04/2018
always grateful,
an American,
a kid afraid to die
in their War 
(they refused to call it a war.). 
what it’s usually about,
their war,
fought by the kids of America. 
God, Country, Apple Pie,
and pledge allegiance,
not to our blood stained Flag,
but to those sending kids to kill kids —
of course they’ll call you
ungrateful, Impertinent, unpatriotic, communist, even terrorist. 
there’s a reason it’s called the “business of war.”
Vietnam, now maker of our shoes, and clothes,
no longer the “damn enemy.”
full circle,
“you’re either with us, or you’re against us,”
a good American being one who stands attention, 
genuflecting before Presidents who would be kings, with both Houses,  those acting like they’re different,
yet send kids to kill kids. 
yes, we seem to buy the b.s., in lockstep telling each other what is true patriotism, listening to Emperors without Clothes. 
“Four Dead in OHIO,”
four innocent children of good Americans killed,
uniformed innocent children ordered to change to real bullets 
(they did NOT take out rubber, crowd control bullets 
without a command. funny, our leaders of our beloved country don’t own it. go figure.)
“Love it, or leave it!” —
mantra of those not celebrating freedom. 
like most on May 4, 1970,
we love it, 
“America the Beautiful,”
no camouflage,
blood stained, drenched Flag, wanting our children, and children’s children to know this freedom to love. 


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