Thursday, September 23, 2010

'Easy to be pissed off' or 'bullshit walks'

'Easy to be pissed off' or 'bullshit walks' timothy r gates, 9/23/2010

Easy to be pissed off
when you're not willing to see
beyond the being pissed on.
You do the same,
not noticing your own stink,
calling attention to your neighbors'.

Easy to pronounce hell
when you're going to heaven,
not seeing either here.
If we could just get rid of those –
gays, NRA folk, evangelicals, Muslims, Jews, atheists, straights...
it'd be the way it used to be (?)

Easy to curse another's music
when you're unable to hear tones,
thinking your shower singing is award-winning.
One friend observes, 'If god's everywhere
I'd rather go to hell where I understand better.' –
Maybe the left behind will finally find their heaven.

Difficult to damn those you disagree with
when you've agreed with them at another time,
like pissing in the wind.
If you smell your own bad breath,
do you think others have noticed it?
If you tell others what to believe,
do you think they notice your lack of living your belief?

Easy to know the truth
when yours is all you see, hear, speak,
like the monkey it's followed by a, 'no evil.'
Step in a cow paddy,
if you don't puke right up
you'll get used to it.

...bullshit walks, bullshit talks.


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