Sunday, December 26, 2010

'can you imagine laying an egg?' or 'never tire of her'

'can you imagine laying an egg?' or 'never tire of her' timothy r gates, 12/26/2010

my heart, a cave
my mind, a mine
my body, a gift.
five golden rings
sing of partridges in pear trees
(can you imagine laying an egg?
or, geese in your living room doing so?)
my voice, a song
my voice, a dirge
my voice, a shift.
two turtle doves
leave presents too
annoy as soon as they endear
(maids milking?
wonderful metaphors available.)
you, the gods applaud
you, the goddesses implore
you, the moon baptized by the sun.
(can you imagine ten lords, eleven pipers, twelve drummers?
only way the nine ladies and eight maids could be kept up with.)
'my true love,'
all that truly matters.
never tire of her
voice, or her silence,


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