Sunday, August 18, 2013

Romantic interlude

'Romantic interlude'                 timothy r gates, 8/7/2013

people helping people,
pretty and ugly,
feeling it but not admitting a whisper,
rib cages covered by yesterday's clothes
50,000 dollar cars, not owned, pretending
Jesus lovers, Buddha lovers
some merely in awe of all,
"I'm a speck in this multiple universal awe...."
Me too.
I have beheld:
a boss buy shoes for an employee to interview elsewhere
street-person empty their pockets, emptying to a "poor" family,
not homeless, living in a house where bullets are heard nightly
food kitchens and free clothing stores run by those knowing it
a smile peek through the crevasses of a lone grandma,
a four year girl merely reaches into her quivering hand.
I'm in awe, still.


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