‘Behold, your Mother’
‘behold your Mother’ trgates,4/7/2018
broken, a Mother looks on,
songs of salvation are not found,
only, “My Son’s dying.”
a heart once filled with wonderment,
now overflowing with grief,
“Oh, sorrowful Mother,”
beats her chest as to be ready to resuscitate him when let down briefly into her arms.
only dry-socket tears remain,
She’s spent,
then barely whispered words fall from her lovely Son,
making sure she’s not alone,
“Behold Your Mother,”
this chrism’s exchange sprinkles others baptized by a dry land’s sorrow.
“Incline your ear,”
from every child’s Mother,
finds instead from our lips,
“Mother, incline yours.”
Ave Maria. Ave Marie.
'without mothers' timothy r gates, 5/12/2012
without mothers
there'd be no sons and daughters
"incline your ear, Queen,"
your son might listen to your plea,
without mothers
there'd be no mother
nursing God
broken, a Mother looks on,
songs of salvation are not found,
only, “My Son’s dying.”
a heart once filled with wonderment,
now overflowing with grief,
“Oh, sorrowful Mother,”
beats her chest as to be ready to resuscitate him when let down briefly into her arms.
only dry-socket tears remain,
She’s spent,
then barely whispered words fall from her lovely Son,
making sure she’s not alone,
“Behold Your Mother,”
this chrism’s exchange sprinkles others baptized by a dry land’s sorrow.
“Incline your ear,”
from every child’s Mother,
finds instead from our lips,
“Mother, incline yours.”
Ave Maria. Ave Marie.
'without mothers' timothy r gates, 5/12/2012
without mothers
there'd be no sons and daughters
"incline your ear, Queen,"
your son might listen to your plea,
without mothers
there'd be no mother
nursing God
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