Saturday, October 06, 2018

MLK 50years and more

When I was a young lad
I believed in equality,
no equivocation. 
Thought everyone did. 
As a teen, found myself protesting in behalf of what I believed. 
Some of the everyone believed. 
“I have a dream,” I still do. 
Still, some of the everyone practice what many of the everyone say they believe. 
Dreaming. Dreaming. 
And, believing.  
Posted By: timothyrgates,8/28/2017 
Timothy R Gates

'MLK's dream continues' 
Bigotry, gift of egotism,
seven deadly sins cannot compete.
A neo-hatred is blossoming 
from the top, down applauded,
"Blessed are the children,
for such are the kingdom of heaven,"
only applies to some. 
Prejudice, conclusions become bigotry,
nations justify kids murdered,
it's part of the business of war. 
Rapists, pedaphiles, murderers,
reduced sentences,
no matter their guilt,
their illnesses sometimes 
covered by confessions,
God forbid that children,
"red and yellow, black and white,
are precious in his sight,"
be protected from an, "again."
These have yet to have equal rights. 
1963, "I have a dream,"
continues -
2017, many know this dream,
once treated as less than human,
today fill all spheres,
have from the top, down,
applauded by most. 
"A child shall lead them,"
they do everyday,
MLK's dream continues,
hatred, reported daily,
love lived, daily grows - 
small ones know no hatred
know no separation by religion 
know no separation by politics 
know no separation by heritage 
know no separation by gender
know no separation by age,
play is their work. 
Myth of our species disconnectness,
gift of arrogance, 
breeding home for rejected innocence,
only needs a mountain top stroll.

'Love needs no' trgates, 2014/15/16 Love needs no instructor, cannot be redacted, has no summation; yet wherever Love is known, here there's synergy, harmony, and sometimes the rare, always latent overtone. 
Love knows the taste of tears,mixed. 
Love knows the profound sweetness of a brief, or extended hug.
Love knows you somehow know I'm thinking of you, moved to a grateful tear that I hold back in front of others. 
Love knows the silence of love, like poetry, heard in between the words, knowing the apophatic  reality of our words as attempts at saying what it means, "I love you." 
Love smiles in, or beyond time and space. 
Love knows why omniscience steps aside.  
Love merely loves.


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