Villains, God, and stuff
'Villains, God, and stuff' timothyrgates, 6/2/2016
Villains, God, and
Judas, Jesus, and
Lazarus -
Judas hung,
couldn't deal with the
s't hitting the fan
Jesus hung,
not only feeling betrayed by friends
Lazarus died,
his friend broken in grief, healed him
(he did die, again, later.).
perhaps they played as children,
best friends,
they didn't note each other's idiosyncrasies:
Judas played banker
Jesus played over asps homes
Lazarus liked wrapping silk -
one was sorry
one was forgiving
one was friend of both.
Villains, God, and
Friends cover our ills
Friends hang when others take off
Friends weep after others forget,
see flowers blooming from s't;
don't see you as a devil
don't ask you to call them Lord,
when hanging out.
like tiny children,
seeing divinity in daddy, and mommy,
friends see our humanness,
and say,
"Thank you."
oh yes, demons and angels were playmates.
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