Monday, May 10, 2010

'forty years, and still adding' or 'those damn kids!'

'forty years, and still adding' or 'those damn kids!' timothy r gates, 5/04/2010

a week before,
i walked the Commons
one year before my time.
Picked up a window decal
for my 64' Fairlane
(a green American Flag peace sign)
two killed, on their way to class,
other two, still, near 300 feet away –
only books and fliers in their hands –
damn threat, those kids!

monday, in class.
friday, before this monday,
President Nixon
rescinded his promise
to bring 'home our boys'
He preached,
'Cambodia is a real threat.'
(My new President promised the same,
with his underhand toss,
'Afghanistan is a real threat!')

Mr. President “I'm not a crook”
gave his imprimatur,
'Better dead than red.'
yes, these four
were neither red or dead.
hearts opened, burnt earth beneath them
baptizing where i had been
just days before.
The Guardsmen, the Students
blamed by cowards in D.C.

Mr. or Mrs. President, Senate President,
House Speaker – ATTENTION!
you hover over our
'boys and girls,' continue
spewing your silver star mantra,
'You're fighting to keep us free!'
Guards and Reserves, no longer a haven
not since forty years ago, and still adding .
– How many trillion dollars will be spent
before those damn kids will stop being a threat?


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