'i died'
i died' timothy r gates, 9/16/2013
I died,
then I was awakened.
thought it was another's snoring.
It wasn't.
Once, was pissed,
someone was sleeping,
disrupting my movie watching -
i was asleep,
it was me.
my own noise
allowed me to reconnect
with my buttered popcorn,
the film,
and then it dawned on me.
i laughed out loud.
i died,
so I thought,
didn't pray to awake
didn't ask to be healed,
like Lazarus,
no one asked my opinion.
Living. Alive. Eyes still moist.
Usually don't pray for an eternal repose,
like Jesus' boyhood friend,
he knew he lived again to die again.
i laugh at myself:
that I piss myself off
that i awake to my own sleeping
that I didn't die.
Funny, after all this shit,
i will most likely die at an inopportune time,
whatever is an opportune one.
It's funny laughing at your death,
your dreaming,
and snoring -
and at being pissed about living, still.
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