Thursday, October 24, 2013

Columbus sailed the blue

‘Columbus sailed the blue’                      timothy r gates, 10/9/2013

said these folks in "India" were
lovely, easy to subjugate,
God's will to steal from.
Indies became Americas,
North America,
yes, America, though he never
sailed the ocean true.
red, white and blue
would accuse others of imperialism,
red and yellow,
black and white,
precious in Jesus' view,
subjugated by the few.
Columbus knew how to spin
starvation, thievery and murder
for the common good,
wrapped up with a red bow.
The "City on the Hill,"
they've learned this story well,
"Bring me your tired....."
Columbus believed his shit didn't stink,
too bad the Americas' Golgotha
isn't much more than a
compose pit for the divinely inspired victors.
Columbus, please,
pray for those still subjugated,
many never seeing an ocean blue.
Mercy. Love. Namaste.


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