'She inclines her ear' - 'praying' - 'Rape, a personal note'
'She inclines her ear' timothy r gates, 6/7/2012
Lady Liberty once invited
those seeking refuge
offering freedom's poetry.
Lylith may have been too much for
our first man from the earth,
not prepared for a shared image,
this God observes,
"Let Us make man in Our image,
male and female created he them."
Eve, wellspring of life,
wept at Abel's repose
was brought to silence
at his brother's birth,
Once asked by a friend,
often choosing homelessness
over a home's safety,
loudly crackling,
as walking into the Bookshoppe,
"What do you think of God today,
He roared at my immediate.
"I'm not real fond of God -
but i do kind of like his Mother."
She inclines her ear,
making sure we do too.
Lady Liberty
extends her lantern,
praying that iconoclasts
become iconodules,
doing more than singing
"We shall overcome."
'Praying' timothy r gates, 8/4/2012
as a little boy
i prayed,
"God bless mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa,
and everyone,
and God bless
those without food,
or mommy, daddy, grandpa or grandma."
as i passed adolescence
i prayed,
giving detailed instructions,
ending with,
"God bless Mother, Dad, Grandma,
and my Grandpa (his blessed repose welcomed),
and those suffering without food, house
or love."
as i grew older i tried not to pray,
yet I did,
trying to disregard anyone larger
than in this space,
being prey, and watching others preyed upon,
by pious and impious souls,
not getting this waste of being,
i still prayed that they'd stop.
as i'm growing older,
seemingly reclaiming a stolen innocence,
i pray,
not knowing, but loving,
"Lord have mercy upon
my ill father and mother, my blessed reposed grandpa and grandma
(I immediately remember those I love taken from this life
by loss of present breath,
and I get their tears at the loss of. their loved ones),
and those causing the suffering of others,
those suffering because others choose not to love -
please, I don't know anything for sure,
Lord have mercy upon all people, species, and things."
'Rape' or 'Rape - a personal note' timothy r gates, 8/23/2012
"I didn't mean to hurt you
Couldn't help myself"
"I misspoke, but I didn't mean what I said"
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again"
Politicians parse what happened to you
Religious leaders remind you,
"Forgive and forget"
Folks of principle
tell you "It's not your body"
Somehow it belongs to -
the temple, the state, the population,
the proliferers or the prochoicers -
one thing for sure,
"You are not your own"
Have you ever had your innocence stolen?
Your natural physical self discovery circumvented?
Your memory banks ripped?
Your hurt from trust strangled marginalized?
Do you know the difference between a
boy or girl raped?
A woman or man raped?
A virtuous or person paid for sex -
None when it comes to memory,
like all things -
they're lived in the present.
When all those well meaning folks,
in the same words of your violator of person,
pat your hands and quiveringly whisper,
"I understand your pain"
I remember what it still feels like to be
for their indiscretion.
I do pray for mercy.
Like any holocaust,
you do not forget.
Deeply touching words.Thank you.
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