Friday, December 06, 2013

'Morning Star'

'Morning Star'                           timothy r gates, 11/11/2013

Morning Star
fell to earth,
everyone blaming him,
like Judas,
for their own vices,
yet not blaming God
for their rejection of grace.
told for 10,000 years, plus
how it was his fault
for humanity's malcontent -
buys his lack of redemption.
Yet, what he's forgotten,
you've never ceased being
an Angel,
Elohim's most delightful
(Note: devils are angels
who lost their way of flight.)
British monks, and a couple of Greek monks,
prayed their whole lives,
hoping that since they might know
that such a diamond studded
Apple of Elohim's eye
get his wings back.
Redemption is romantic,
believing in the intensity
of love,
knowing its improvability,
yet we attempt to write,
"How do i love thee?
Let me count the ways..."
A feather fell to earth,
perhaps since i've learned
to walk in joy --
the Morning Star
will once again
soar in flight.


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