Friday, September 21, 2012

Jesus loved me at four

"Jesus loved me at four"              timothy r gates, 9/19/2012

Jesus loved me at four,

i know because I heard him.

Told others at twelve

Jesus loves them too,

i know because they heard.

Guys in used car sales suits -

wide lapels, wide ties and bold plaids -

ministers taught me to call Jesus, Lord.

They said, "Jesus wants you

to forgive and forget."

Scars didn't matter to them.

A Rabbi told me,

"Yeshua was a Rabbi."

Unlike what i was told as a boy,

he, or Jesus

didn't try to "Jew me down."

Wearing cassocks and robes,

public and private

affirmations and accusations, still saying,

"God loves the sinner, but not the sin,"

picking which ones still rank as taboo."

I bet all the "little children of the world -

red and yellow, black and white"

(all the other hues too not written in the song)

heard God, or someone

when they were four.


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