Monday, October 22, 2012

'Awake, 2:18am'

'Awake, 2:18am'         timothy r gates, 10/19/2012


2:18am -


More awake,

no doubt

(like this parenthetical),

than when driving

I-77 and Rt-62 -

don't recall exit signs,

yet i get there.

But am i


'Angels soar except'

'Angels soar except' timothy r gates, 10/22/2012

Angels soar

except when wings break,

knowing their message goes unheard,

their tears hit the earth -

you know it

because you hear the


and smell the ancient

gunshot, like matches

blown out immediately,

dust flying upwards

from an unintended flow.

Then Angels fall.

Their resurrection?

Their baptism?

When we weep with them.


'Snail'        timothy r gates, 10/15/2012

The snail glides

like a tank's tracks

deliberate yet barely moving

noisy in their world,

unnoticed in ours.


it's the same world.

i wonder how loud they

think our silence is?