Wednesday, June 26, 2013

'Jesus and Buddha don't give a damn'

'Jesus and Buddha don't give a damn' timothy r gates, 6/7/2013

"Oh, I don't deserve
grace and mercy"
more bs from ego's praise,
doing the side-step,
two to three-step
not getting -
and Buddha
don't give a damn
about such naïve silliness,
akin to children believing daddy's
"This hurts me more than you."
Guilt: follow the divine,
"It repented Yahweh."
Shame: follow the profane,
accept, saying, "I'm sorry,"
once is insufficient.
a Divine turn and cough,
between a chuckle,
sounds like
an electric evening storm.
cow manure
stinks like
self veneration for unbelief,
only topped by
flagellation of
"I'm not worthy!"
Such a waste of energy.
Breathe. And, breathe.
Love needs no blessing.

'at four, i prayed'

                                                        photo via fb/Ageliki Koukoudea
At four, I prayed.                          timothy r gates, 6/12/2013
have tried not to,
to no avail -
favorite uncle died
grandpa died.
cancer is no respecter of persons.
uncle died,
closed casket due to asphyxiation,
twenty years after before its hinges
dared to give way
(who knows how many unemployed
craftspeople there'd be
if beloved gay people
had known that hatred is able to be cremated...)
dismissals -
tried not pray,
to no avail.
cut through bullshit)
like temples of beliefs, and none,
applaud betrayal of trust,
celebrating preying,
excusing the "few"
by the silence of many.
At four,
plus a few decades,
still praying,
no answer for bullshit -
have looked behind the curtain
the wizard stopped pretending.
dancing -
pray i don't prey,
to avail.
Four year olds get it.