Tuesday, April 16, 2013

'Eve's lament reclaimed'

'Eve's lament reclaimed ' timothy r gates, 4/15/2013

Standing before her
my heart catches a breath
a moment pauses eternity
infinite is baptized,
Eve's lament reclaimed,
is not followed
by b.s. aphorisms
There are are no answers
There are no mysteries
There are no esoteric gems.
We weep with her,
hoping for morning glory,
the stone's rolled away
next is followed by
the eighth day.
We stroll past The Garden,
an intuitive grin
rests upon our faces.,
"Let 'em keep that Tree,"
we're glad not to do this again --

'Jesus' missing years?'

'Jesus' missing years?'      (Not what you might think) timothy r gates, 4/08/2013

there are more books
Jesus' missing years?
than that 1st, 12th
and those last 3.5.
Gods or humans,
the storyteller
knows better than
preachers of faith
detractors of romantics -
neither have a paycheck
without the poet.
After all these years
i can still hear my Grandpa,
his stories,
when i was a wee lad, and
now i'm an aging man.
i don't know the missing
lines, refrains
or much about his
orphaned years from 6 to 16 -
his twinkling blues
still baptize me,
rolling back healed over scars,
perhap unwittingly he was my icon
to behold
being one star in the universe
is sufficient for awe.
the chapters i know
fill my shelves,
giving me happy tears
and grins.


'Swearing'                                        timothy r gates, 4/12/2013

like many things,
some would never
some barely miss a sentence
love funny euphemisms for these euphemisms:
mf by the daring
golly and gosh
add gosh and it's a blessing
golly gee, silly bs
love the outrage at cursing politicians,
the same folks vote for these politicians
"Is this the best you can do after all that education?"
obviously, it seems that it is
euphemisms for euphemisms,
so much f'n fun.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

'Once i cared, or once i gave a damn'

‘Once i cared, or once i gave a damn’ timothy r gates, 4/6/2013

Once i cared about being


then i cared about being


No i don’t care about being

right, or even correct,

don’t give a damn

about you being

right, left

right, or even incorrect

But of course i care,

i do give a damn, maybe blessed,

about that i don’t give a damn

about all of the bullshit

whether from me, you, them, us –


Take all of the shit

spewed from our mouths,

left, right

wrong, correct

and we’d never need more of it,

fertilizer enough for a millennium of decades,

and just maybe, perhaps

in a blue moon, soon

it wouldn’t just smell like more of the same shit –

and a tulip hugging a rose would

dance atop it all.

Well, it’s a better than nice thought.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Kelly Louise Judd

‘i've seen the face of God'  timothy r gates, 4/5/2013

a lone pilgrim
sitting in front
of the Empire State Building,
cheeks furrowed
from once wet sockets.
a little one giggles
leaning against a not so little
still found in her
dim eyes and muffled hearing,
barely voiced.
a ten year old born old
dances being princess
walking worn paths,
her mommy knows,
kicking it with her.
some look for the reason
some look for why to
some look for why not to,
whatever, matters not,
i've seen the face of God.

‘Theocentric anthropocentric’                  timothy r gates, 3/31/2013

Theocentric anthropocentric
Anthropomorphic theocentric
giving "our" pets
Hu-man personalities
(wonder, do they give us
their species characteristics?)
Have always loved,
other, animals of prey -
they just don't give a f'
they neither
run to or from us.
Don't trust those claiming to be
BS loves defense.
Is is.

'watching 1956's ten commandments' timothy r gates, 3/31/2013

watching 1956's ten commandments
this god kills
like Pharaoh murders.
Passover is given its lines,
"We eat this and drink this
to remember....."
firstborn are slaughtered
millennium later
some still applaud,
praising righteous indignation
noting Pharaoh
"hardening his own heart"
while detetminists love
"and god hardened Pharaoh's heart."
one thing for certain,
arrogant bastards
get innocent children killed,
matters not whether they claim
Yahweh's prerogative
Pharaoh's Elohim throne.
........waiting for,
"And a child shall lead them."

Postscript: for me, every time clarity of a present breath is known a child does lead us....