5 Newer pieces, some fun with lines, some.not so fun, though... tim...
'Drones, you're dead!' timothy r gates,. 2/5/2013
Drones, you're Dead!
no congressional or judicial review;
"enhanced interrogations" -
Pres. Bush? Bad?
Pres. Obama? Good?
collateral damage?
who gives a f',
as long as your 'guy' is the boss.
if mommy and daddy,
grandpa or grandma,
were the Pres.,
would they still
drop The Bomb?
Or, if they were divinity,
would they kill
all but "eight souls"
in a flood?
Presidents and gods,
and collectors?
Okay to have WMD,
just in case.
"Executive decision - privilege?"
like divinity's
right to judge.
'Rosa merely sat down' timothy r gates, 2/4/2013
Rosa merely sat down,
frightened the shit out of Washington
they knew
sooner than later
they'd need to share their place,
or at least figure a way
to make it look okay -
a way their religions taught,
but they had re-his-toricized.
No longer sitting quietly
on a Park's bench,
like one who held dear her mystery
but would learn to speak up,
"Behold, my son, listen to him,"
meek but not weak,
she simply needed a
'Beauty found her way' timothy r gates, 1/27/2013
with my Martin
i've played some tunes,
coffee houses
found in different decades,
singing once new original songs.
with pen and tablet
i've written line after line,
now I do the same
on my computer,
in my heart's eye
the yellow legal pad
still sits before my pen.
with brushes and pigments
i've learned to behold
what's never been absent,
llike the sculptor
brushing away
what's in the way of
a David or Diana.
with each breath
Beauty finds her way
to the mountain
looking over the expanse,
only to smile.
'Empathy in two parts'
'Empathy' timothy r gates, 1/24/2013
Empathy's gift
not requested
certainly not prayed for,
knowing the feeling
of feeling stripped,
naked before G-d.
Here i found
what was unknown,
like Jesus
like Mary
like raped women
like violated children
like saviors.
Didn't pray,
certainly didn't want
preyed upon.
didn't seek this gift.
i get it.
'got to pull the plug' timothy r gates, 1/24/2013
i'm the big brother
got to pull the plug,
one younger brother
watched the pumped oxygen
leave, thirty seconds
then he was near eggshell hued,
my parents bawled
another younger brother
quietly sobs,
his best friend gone.
chanting the Psalter,
giving room for an exit,
barely a tear trickled
down my cheek
(i bawled through laughter
driving home,
never knew this grief's burst,
watched my mother, my father
when their mothers, fathers
died -
i got to pull the plug,
one younger brother
white like new snow,
mother and dad
shaking out tears,
"We should've gone first."
they will die
some will hurt
some will be numb
some will remember, wishing you didn't
one younger brother
has already
walked through the door.