'Reasons are not excuses'

Cain murdered Abel,
and so goes the war.
David kills Goliath,
and his brothers,
both claiming geography rights -
so goes that Gaza property.
Rape of Nanking,
nationalists still claim,
"Our nation didn't rape that many women,"
no doubt this brought applause
when the Bomb was dropped on them.
Note: Nazis only wanted
Hitler's economic stability continued.
African businessmen,
contracted Africans
for American plantations.
implosion is the first reaction,
burning and looting,
but not of their protagonists.
Some, still, claim,
WWII Holocaust camps,
and the millions gassed in them,
"These are gross exaggerations."
Everyone has a reason,
using them for excuses,
pointing the Garden's finger,
"The serpent tricked us."
And, so goes war.
Note: Be careful,
what you write, paint, draw, sing
could be used as an excuse,
claimed reason for murdering our children.
Be honest,
some folks just love to do war.
It is good for one thing --
the elimination of those you disagree.