'I awake' & 'better than happy'
I awake' timothyrgates,5/18/2017
I awake
Dawn saying goodnight
to Dusk,
Sun saying thank you
to the Moon,
she gave rest.
I awake,
knowing, painfully aware of my mortality.
I awake,
neither glad to be
here, or there,
Yet, alas, this is the day,
one breath given,
maybe another.
I awake,
free of judging
a weather's mood,
feelings change
quicker than breezes,
knowing the one thing I affirm,
I know that I do not know.
it takes prayer, meditation, breathing and sitting minutes, confession, therapy, medication, kinetic energy expended, family, friends,
faith, honest acknowledgment that sometimes I have none, and playtime, oh yes! -
with my Zen-boy, and
this allows me to be the normal that I am.
I awake,
still hundreds of moving thoughts,
Yet, I awake,
today knowing,
like St. Anthony's,
"Praise those in the grave,
curse them the next day,
see the difference,"
what matters today,
as Dusk meets Dawn,
the Sun kisses
the Moon, is
nothing less, nothing more --
I awake.
'Better than Happy' timothyrgates,5/17/2017
born too early,
never understood why I made it,
or why I was allowed,
waking up since four
not happy to be here, still.
five times I was surprised,
wee ones smiled into me,
moments of joy,
whispers, "see, it's okay to be glad,"
I awoke, again,
two little ones, from the two oldest,
and I smiled, again.
fell asleep, dreaming,
little guy, Queen's first,
woke me out of my dusk,
out of left field,
I fell in love, again -
didn't know this
didn't ask for it
didn't pray to know this.
Jesus may love me,
even at three months early,
red and yellow,
black and white,
yet rest, aloof,
only the blue-eyed hoary-haired one made me grin.
"Papa," heals,
better than happy.
soon I'll say hello to a new person,
awake, again.
and, smiling with the universe.
(don't tell anyone,
don't know what happy feels like,
yet, if this moment is it,
then it's better.)