Tuesday, October 26, 2010

'first time' or 'glad for another's amorous presence'

'first time' or 'glad for another's amorous presence' timothy r gates, 10/26/2010

first time,
not your own hand
your own touch
your own moan
your own shiver.
first time,
not your gasp
your hesitance
your persistence
your celebration.
first time,
not your smile (in a mirror)
your teasing anticipation
your pleasing exclamation
your amorous emancipation.
first time,
not your last time
you're embraced
you're kissed
you're stroked.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'Abuse's refrains'

'Abuse's refrains'          timothy r gates, 10/20/2010
A fist
a stroke
a brush
a tap
followed by,
i'm sorry
i didn't mean it
i didn't expect that
i'm leaving
anticipating you to say,
i should've moved out of the way
i didn't listen to you sufficiently
i didn't know that you were that angry
i should've known better.
Innocents robbed of theirs, only say,
– Bullshit.

'Whitman knew' or gender/sexuality making

'Whitman knew' timothy r gates, 10/20/2010

Whitman knew
the stroke of a
man, as well as a woman.
He knew no decry
of either embrace.
Wilde, across the ocean,
sang his song,
one from the mists of Clock bells,
though leaves in the grass –
this too was his delight.
Men's men, women's women
women's men, men's women –
only the lonely cancel
one by the other.
Girls and boys,
are only
boys and girls,
when playing in the school yard.
'You're gay!'
'You're straight!'
Those afraid of their shadows
line them up,
like picking sides for a ball game,
changing it into a dodge ball suite,
picking off one by one
until the winner is the only
normal one. –
Losers, one and all,
stick together, throw our fists into the air,
there's only one race, one grace, with many faces –
one people.
Time to run in the grass' leaves.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

'Coming Out? Some thoughts...'

'Coming Out? Some thoughts...' timothy r gates, 10/13/2010

I've closed my eyes at the dying of my favorite uncle;

couldn't take it when Grandpa died either.

Cold to the bone on my Grandmother's day;

was happy to help my brother say goodbye.

I've watched friends die of

Cancer, Heart failure, Alzheimers, and AIDS, as well as extreme sadness.

Sat next to friends who didn't understand

why their baby died, their husband wasn't healed, and why no one stopped a knife from being pushed so deep.

I've listened to people speak of hell

for the bad, the evil, the Devil and his angels, as well as those queers, as well as those who believe correctly.

Known those who speak of heaven

for the good, bad and ugly, for the hopeless, even devils, even Judas, even for people without any belief.

I've watched hatred

I've watched love

I prefer knowing the latter.

I am grateful for love lived out wherever it is lived out. I've known and I know people who do so, in their own estimation

more often than not only a little well (it's a big club, those of us who try to love purely). Where I've seen 'straight' people live together,

love together, live their lives in sadnesses and happinesses, - it's more than cool. I've seen the same know the dread of sorrowful

degeneration into ugly hatred and divorce, and worse the same without divorce. I've known the same with those of my friends who happen to

be 'gay.'

Over the years I've heard the refrain, when speaking of 'Gay people,' that, 'It's all about SEX!' Yes, of coure it is, at first. Show me where

it's different for 'Straight people' when SEX is first discovered.

I can hear, I've heard it before, someone quote this passage and that one, from

the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Koran, and more, all pronouncing Gay or Homosexual living as sin and abomination. And? Make sure to read the other items that are listed too, and see if you'd like them to be still enforced: Women as property of their spouses, and children the same. Those not of your Faith seen as 'strangers,' that you should show kindness, but never mingle. Those not of your Faith called 'dogs' or 'pigs,' unworthy unless you convert and leave your unbelieving families. There's a list of forbidden foods and mixtures of clothing, too, that at different times are called abominations. To eat meat with any blood in it, if you eat meat, was seen as sinful even in the first century of Christianity. These are only a few observations.

When I was a boy races, as well as religions in many places still, did not mix. It wasn't the sort of informed racism of today, since we weren't allowed to know each other enough to be good (sic) racists. When I was a boy, most mothers stayed home, and most jumped at any 'request' of their husbands, and when they were married and a text about 'wives obey their husbands' was read, it was expected to be followed. When I was a boy, if you disobeyed a parent, a teacher, or someone in authority, you could be beat. (Yes, some will protest that we were spanked out of love, but with boards, belts, and switches. Irony, this sort of loving discipline stopped as soon as you were big enough to hit back. B.S.)

When I was a boy, a beloved family member, of whom I looked up to, felt it necessary to take his own life merely because he prefered those of his own gender, but lived at the wrong time to live with the embarassment. -----I am glad for all I learned through love as a boy. I am, also, glad for all I learned by misapprehended love, though perhaps unintended, hatred. This is where my choice comes: Do I choose to love my neighbor who does not violate another's choice, or do I choose to impose my choice?

1st by Tom Waits, the last by Bono & Pavarotti Ava Maria (in between, only for those without thin skin)





Sunday, October 10, 2010

'Easy to say' or 'Easy to damn' or 'Aphorisms, more'

'Easy to say' or 'Easy to damn' or 'Aphorisms, more' timothy r gates, 10/10/2010

Easy to say, 'Jew,'

regarding financial thrift,

until you know a Jew.

Easy to say the 'N' word,

until you no longer only walk

in beige neighborhoods.

Easy to say, wives should stay at home,

until you're not paying the bills.

Easy to say homosexuals are damned,

until your gay friend (?) kills themselves.

Easy to say anything,

regarding anyone,

if you only believe in the survival of the strongest.

Easy to damn another,

by religion or science,

if you choose not to breathe the same air.

Easy to love,

unless you choose to hate.

note:I hear, common, young people, 20-, saying racial impregnated words, misogynist as well as male-hating descriptives as nouns of supposed endearments, adding to this anti-religious and pro-religious (depending on your tastes or lack) rhetoric, with the ease of cursing people in someone's divinity's name without a skip. They're either learning it at home, where the truth of one's beliefs are seen, or they're reviving this hatred. Either way, I pray that we cease preying upon one another.


'L'amant' timothy r gates, 10/10/10

the Young Girl
the Chinese Man,
Nabokov's tale teases
Duras' Young Girl only lies,
then lies,
lays the Chinese Man – then
tells some truth.
Eros' lust conceives
Passion's consumption
Dante's peril need not be
flames alone forever;
i recall my Lolita,
I too was merely twelve
i recall my Young Girl,
I too was merely sixteen.
Looking into the mirror –
funny –
I see every tributary's lover
to Love.
I do not lament.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


'Imagine'      timothy r gates, 10/06/2010
one year, anniversary of John's
someone called me, jabbed,
'bet you cried today.'
i signed myself, because i did.
seventy years, if alive today
my father's seventy-seven,
he's alive today
working man's hero,
full of contradictions -
didn't live like most of us,
person of privilege, person of means, person of
didn't always do the right thing
didn't always love easily
didn't' always allow love for him -
so much like most of us,
trying to do the right thing
not always doing the right thing
caring that everyone is free to do the right thing,
and with some privilege, means, and certainly of
i still Imagine a world where you'd need not
be prey, or to pray,
where all you need is love
would be.
i'm guessing he does to.

Friday, October 01, 2010

'Your Altar'

'Your Altar' timothy r gates, 10/01/2010

I come to this garden alone
threw the hiss out, no need for
superfluous temptation,
worthless platitudes of grandeur.

Herein i pray,
i bow before beauty
liturgical movement, no need to hurry,
awaiting the words,
'Eat, drink.'

Kyrie, eleison,
well spent, intoxicated with this
I come to your altar,
preparation, anticipation, gratification,
whispering those dismissal words,
'Thank you.'