Friday, May 28, 2010

'Aphorisms regarding I fall into love' or 'when do i fall into love?'

'when do i fall into love?' or 'Aphorisms regarding I fall into love' 5/28/2010, timothy r gates

I fall into love
every time
I choose to see goodness.
Easy to see the bad,
it takes no choice.
To see the goodness,
I need to first see beyond
my eyes.

We do abhor meanness,
more so, wicked violation of others –
because we know better of our species.
For every holocaust upon a million people
there have been a hundred thousand
willing to die for those being extinguished.
Our species applauds goodness,
more so, righteous uplifting of others –
bigotry is not obliterated by martyrs
without those outside of the aim standing with them.

I fall into love
every time
I behold choices of goodness.
Easy to see the corruption,
it takes no insight to note corruption absolutely corrupting.
St. Catherine's Burning Bush, Tibet's Himalayas,
Auschwitz's Camps, Mississippi's Lynchings –
effigies to struggles' baptism.

I fall into love
every time
I choose to look and see.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


'Romancing' timothy r gates, 5/27/2010

Romancing war
pretension of heroes
assumption of enemies –
of course each side
claims the same.
Romancing hate
ascension of prejudice
resurrection of bigotry –
both claiming not to be the other.
Romancing peace
protesting war machinery
attesting another's machinery –
neither claiming complicity.
Romancing love
alluring darkness
spurring darkness –
no need to claim either
only to romance the other.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

'Walt Whitman; six pieces'

#6 pieces of 'Walt'

"Walt" (trg, 7-02-2001)

how is it that a man
can both love a woman, and also
a man?
or, as i've noticed, girls have
often loved boys, only
later discovering their preference of
a girl;
Walt was much more free than we,
writing of the lovely young
man's fingers run through his beard, and
the amorous delight of kissing
a luscious lady's breast and of tasting
her sweet flowers
on a river's bank;
he was both a lady's man
and a man's man, liking a brawl
or a sprawl, and never
being ashamed
when he'd ask for more -- naturally, he
also was quick to reciprocate, if
one would barely request; in our time
of enlightenment
he'd be marginalized because of his love
of living, though all like to claim him
'till he's read aloud, and
his intended unhidden nuances are heard,
perhaps for the first time; then
the sound of throats being cleared -- no pun
intended -- are the nearest to words that are heard;
he seemed to understand
that the warmth of lover is better
than a friend when one is young; yet, when
we grow older, we desire
the pleasure of a lone friend, whether
a lover or not.

‘Walt ‘ (trg, 12/20/02)
‘Come close to me,’
the aged sage teases.
An almost youth
easily acquiesces,
really no different than ancient Rome.
His wisdom etched frame
next to his supple pink torso;
someone should have
placed them on canvas.
Classic reclining,
one runs his hands
through his mentor’s beard,
while the friend
reaches for his love’s hand.
Here I see
masculine man’s man and tender feminine
intuition wedded comfortably.
Poet strokes his pen
over his once empty page,
creating his masterwork.
Man, one without a facial hair
or years’ wrinkles
is as glad
as I for Walt’s strokes.
‘Walt III’ (trg. 9/22/03)

No lame duck here,
a pacifism without any punch.
Many young men lay under his care,
men who thought it righteous to kill their kin.
A writer who’s a nurse,
a man’s man who’s a man’s man.
He would not fare well today,
in our political correct lifestyles.
Neither his appearance nor his word craft
would be queer enough.
He knew the freedom of being who you are,
no need to measure up or down to one group or another.
He befriended soldiers, coal miners, farmers, ship captains and crew,
writers, painters, actors, women, men, the well educated and the not.
He celebrated humanity in all of its form,
from the basest to the most glorious,
evil is within our hearts by choice.
-- So is innocence.
I would take a walk with him.
Would you?
The cushion of a pail breast
and post-Raphael stomach, he appreciated.
The firmness of a young male friend he too liked.
For him, most often,
the more real the person the more amorous.
A shy confidence allures the desiring and desirable,
noise gets in the way of hearing.
You, yes - you,
come close and reveal your thighs.
Allow me to press my lips against these your shafts.
Rivers will flow, overflow,
and those that have been pent up for a time
will find it difficult to locate a bank to rest upon.
Walt was a man, a pacifist who fought for the lame.

‘I had a dream’ (trg, 4/07/2004)
I had a dream
where all people loved each other,
the Altar was barely a euphemism,
not waiting for heaven or hell; a little late then.
Eros, Agape and Cupid need no introduction or introductions.
You do know that to copulate with a dark-skinned person, once,
was to have sex outside of your species?
…Unless you too were dark-skinned.
(This is where tanning products erupted.)
I awoke with my extensive facial hair follicles drenched with love,
knowing that if this was Hell that I’d be glad to stay;
if Heaven, I’ll prostrate, the correct word here, gladly,
for eternity.
There were no nocturne contortions; my back wasn’t thrown.
There is a certain arch, even if in fantasy, that liberates,
frees the captive fears of being unspent;
here I sing the song of ‘From pent up aching rivers,’
Walt’s muse in true human experience,
gender was not his bent, such queries are useless
save for the one unwilling to look into the mirror.
He’d blow the minds of those who think
heterosexuality and homosexuality are in fact different, neither
have anything to do with gender, only species;
then he’d blow his too.
Ah, to live in a world where communion is common as choice,
a Chalice to sip the last drops from, with, licking the edge,
making sure that nothing is left wanting.
‘God,’ and ‘Lord have mercy,’ communicate,
the Moon and Earth dance all night, giving way to the dawn,
where the dew of the Rain Forrest is delightfully redundant.
Those who know this Beauty
know the egoism that is swallowed up by eroticism;
here’s the subject of the dance,
matters not whether it’s slow or faster.
You do know that to dance is to anticipate copulation, until recently
only done with the same gender?
…Unless you donned drag.
(This is where Rock & Roll was spawned.)
I awoke to find my dream eclipsed by the Sunlight.
Or, I fell asleep.

‘Walt Whitman, straight to the aid’ (trg, 6/05/04)

Straight to the aid of dying Confederates or Yankees, if need be,
no one asked him of his bedroom habits.
Women, voluptuous exquisite icons of beauty, applauded him.
He them.
Men, young lanky, tight stomached or dandies of his age, posed with him.
He them.
No one ran from being photographed with him,
believers and unbelievers both respected his character.
Words, euphemisms of the 21st century clouding one’s fear, were not thrown his way;
this man’s man could beat their butts save for his love of people.
Stand him next to our contemporary athletes,
he’d be the more masculine without their need to fit into the frame.
As a Person he spoke, as a Man he spoke, as a Creature he spoke,
as an American he sang all of our tunes,
as a Poet he observed the rhythm of creation,
freely following its natural path in the place of contrived rhymes,
rowing the streams of consciousness.
Today’s Poets might presume to edit his work away, too many words they’d say;
twenty years after their death will they or their words be remembered?
Then there are his narrative sentences, oh my God, with more than ten words,
I beg you to reconstruct them into minimalist lines;
but whose sentences would they be?
A lover of the written and spoken word,
unheard of that one would be without the other,
this lover could recline with a missive and read it aloud with a friend
or chant for others a recent traditionalist Poet of meter, applauding them both.
Pensive, not he, to be true to himself;
yes, though, if he might harm an innocent soul.
God was more real than real to him;
God as used to control people was more horrid than horrid.
Hymns sung in harmony with every creature in God’s Earth made sense.
Dirges are only appropriate for those whose collars need to be tightened.
Worship is the irony of self-indulgence;
we freely, so to speak, offer it to someone who acknowledges this wryness.
Straight to the heart and soul he cuts a path worth walking,
a godlike snowy-bearded Artist captivates my imagination.
He’d laugh at this usage of metaphors in reference to him, saying,
‘Buggers ought never be thrown accolades, they only go to their heads.’

'why Walt' timothy r gates, 2/11/2009

he did sing the song
man's man,
woman's man,
misogynist, racist, classist, bigot,
speciesist, 'could live with
Civil War, North and South,
soldiers, pawns in the hands,
religious, irreligious,
land, sky, blue or gray.
I celebrate –

'A Stroll through Cleveland Museum of Art: five observations'

'A Stroll through Cleveland Museum of Art: five observations' timothy r gates, 7/08/2009

'Krasner; Pollock' timothy r gates, 7/08/2009

Krasner; Pollock
Jackson: Lee
here they stand,
no fists throwing
no fits thrown
no relationship
noted on bronze plagues.
How many,
i wonder,
remembered their love?

'not without Bacon, Degas and...' timothy r gates, 7/08/2009

Dada, Dali, but
not without Bacon and Degas
'Persistence of Memory'
Pollock's mess,
as critics still wield,
has their innocuous
Cacophony's hymn,
-- the brook,
i hear,

'Van Gogh's difference' timothy r gates, 7/08/2009

bought his brother's
touted as a master.
Sure, in another day,
detractors might've said,
'they call that art?'
'why, I could do that!'
The difference,
he did.

'Stroll through Cleveland Art Museum' timothy r gates, 7/08/2009

walking in,
Turner to Gauguin
Rodin to Krasner
ancients to neo-classicists,
Van Gogh, still,
hugs my soul;
belief and unbelief
satiably insatiable.
Iconic tears,
enlivened by his podvig,
my struggle
with both ears.
Do i hear?
In this stroll through,
the Cleveland Art Museum,

'Maiden, nearly touched it' timothy r gates, 7/08/2009

she nearly touched
Van Gogh's strokes.
I, too,
felt this press
fighting this temptation
feeling each brush,
alas, only within.
Maiden's mother
knowing my empathy;
remembering, i,
my Scot friend's whisper,
nearly falling onto my back,
'Y'u want to tooch it,
doon't y'u?'
'It's because Van Gauk's work
is alive!'
(he's dead, but i hear him)
(both, yes, in repose)
i'm grateful
Vincent didn't live
to-day, they'd
medicate his inversion layers
mediate his hued colours
masturbate his passion's disquietness.
He would've
at this
young lady,
her mother.

'Andy' 'smiling' 'not good enough'

'not good enough' timothy r gates, 4/21/2008

not good enough
jesus died for us because
mama, papa said
not good enough
still hear those words
schools reward the best
schools punish the worst
schools ignore the majority
not good enough
significance measurable,
but not if in the middle
not good enough
share holder are owners
governments are owners
not good enough
rich, too much to tax
poor, too little to tax
middle, too many not to tax
okay, breathe
okay, listen
'Good enough.'

'smiling' timothy r gates, 4/18/2008

i smile
says more
no words spoken
ohm, more than
another smiles
i know
no whispered words
not a shit-ass grin,

'Andy' timothy r gates, 3/28/2008

kaufman danced,
fooled the foolish
once he stopped a live show
-i didn't know if it was for real
-still don't-
'here i come to save the day,
it's mighty mouse, i'm on the way'
talked of jesus
then wrestled wo-men
got his ass kicked
-didn't know if it was for real
-still don't-
Andy died.
But did he?
Maybe jesus and andy
are shopping a the celestial mall,
kosmic bullshit
maybe he just died.
I wonder,
does jesus laugh at his jokes?

'ich habe genug – it is enough!'

'ich habe genug – it is enough!'** timothy r gates, 4/30/2009

spring's demise,
summer's allure,
fall's amorousness,
winter's hymn
ich habe genug!
tears bottled,
we cry out,
'how long!, oh lord, how long?'
we smother our faces
in ours, and
theirs –
it is enough!
its end, not nearer, but
happy dirges sung
in the bleak reprisal,
refrain of a faint

**ich habe genug – it is enough!; Bach;Op. 82, still my favorite of pieces, near or far in time's
writing and composing, i come back too so often in my mind's eye, a near second are, yes
more than one in this near second, Langston Hughes 'Bee-bop Jazz' and 'Suicide's Note,'
Walt Whitman's 'From Pent up aching rivers,' Jack Gilbert's 'Great Fires' collection of Poetry,
then everything by F Dostoevsky, and to me the most lovely of all Romantics Anna Akhmatova.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

'Days, plus more' or 'Blue Skies'

'Days, plus more' or 'Blue Skies' timothy r gates, 5/18/2010

Days, plus more
wearisome ways
recalling the spiritual,
“his eye is on the sparrow,
and i know he watches you”
have thought, at times,
a blind eye

Tunes of youth, plus
daddy's Gibson,
singing Hank to his boy
gave me a Martin,
singing Bob's 'Masters of War' –
playing the Martin, today,
unable not to hear the Gibson

Moments, plus another
sad days
from another dark night,
once ninety percent,
grown to ten percent
'Lonesome Blues,' intones
'Blue skies from now on'

Monday, May 17, 2010

'banking on our need'

'banking on our need' timothy r gates, 5/17/2010

then there's that
and all the phone DSL's – worse,
was that dial up noise
nearly as bad as a missed fax
add to this, hackers
no better thing to do,
like TV prophets,
promising something
wanting your contribution
illusions for your trust
banking on our need
turning it into greed
(wonder if there's a parallel
in the Silver Back families?)
all we're asked to do:
hit that button
say that prayer
chant the magic, or magick, words –
we want it so bad
(honestly, i've thought about
starting my own religion,
'the way of no particular way,'
just to keep a pay check coming.)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

'Angels in 3 pieces, plus'

'angels don't always fly' timothy r gates, 8/13/2009

angels don't always
do they die?
I bet they,
sometimes, feel they could say,
'bye, bye.'
angels don't always
do they sigh?
I bet they,
at times, feel they could say,
'oh shit, you didn't fry?
Angels don't always
do they lie?
I bet they,
sometimes, feel they could say,
'genesis, perhaps a better try?'
Angels don't always
their feathers drenched,
too heavy to spread,
not ready to drip dry –
Angles don't always
when they

'angel's empathy' timothy r gates, 8/20/2009

looking down
from beneath
looking up
from above
ethereal footstool
terrestrial gallery
like Icarus' desire,
the surreal is too real
Messengers wanting to
cry out,
'They're merely children!'
their Master looks away,
must honor free will.
Angels' heartless hearts
'What of their free will?'
sympathy, from the ignorant
empathy, from the fallen
dancing a dervish
singing Rachel's song,
the little ones' of peace
skim their stones
across ponds
while walking on them.

'Angels fall; Angels true' timothy r gates, 3/11/2008

angels fall:
some are said to fall,
some are told they've fallen,
some don't know why they've not fallen;
some simply weep, praying for redemption
-not their own, but ours,
us who do not weep,
who've never fallen,
who've claimed all for themselves,
unable to see the blood-stained tears.
angels, swift to aid,
not seen, save by
those well aged
those of slower, so to speak, minds
those of warm hearts
those whose pain hasn't killed them
those who dare to behold Beauty,
not giving a damn or blessed
whether angels are real or illusions,
only that they are true.
I prayed for success,
an angel who knew my tears, flew
-my unsaid words for rescue,
on this messenger's wings landed.
like children
those well aged
those of slower, so to speak, minds
those of warm hearts
those whose pain hasn't killed them
those who dare to behold Beauty.
angels fall
taking flight, again
when our need surpasses our greed,
and they're not able to weep any longer.

'Wizardry' or 'Paschal Dance' timothy r gates, 04/02/2010

wizards and imps
fairies and gnomes
the green man whispers
the moon lady sways in the mist
skip to their tunes
twirl till you fall
roll down a hill
dimples deeper than hell
grins wider than hate
grimaces baptized by the sun
smiles unable to be softened
jump into a big pile of leaves
then, just for fun,
do it again
wizardry loves redundancy.

'Creative honesty'

'Creative honesty' timothy r gates, 5/10/2010

Neo is
first a pejorative
was thought ugly
Abstract is
Modernity is
lines – ha!
claimed uniquenesses,
oblique opacity
ex nihilo, eis nihilo –
light shines
darkness cuddles
evening's awakened –
'Good morning,
damn – it's the same sun.'

'Cherubs' or 'fallen angels' lament'

'Cherubs' or 'fallen angels' lament' timothy r gates, 5/15/2010

here we sit
yes, thought for ourselves - again
good or bad, either - neither
no more cigarettes
no more 's' stuff
no more bust a gut feasts
no more doobies
no more booze...
that's enough!
these wings are for soaring
(some look forward to eternal singing praise to baby Jesus.
i look forward to life, that's all, without the present... hassles, maybe. yes, i look forward to life lived if that's the opportunity.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

'a cross or splinter'

'a cross or splinter' timothy r gates, 3/29/2010

A cross

splintered by

cult spectators,

no need to carry your own


Hasidic phylacteries


wedded between prayer ropes

worry beads –

pace, back and forth

rock, back and forth

claims exclaimed, back and forth

then, in


vertical intrusion

horizontal allusion

'X' marks the spot.

Do i want to remove the

speck from my hand

Do i want to remove the

beam from my seeing

Do i want to close my eyes

so I might see

Am I an iconoclast

Am I an iconodule

Am I antiquated –

get in line

pay your tithe

listen for the, 'heal,' say, 'baby,' refrain

no need for a cross

or a splinter

just a little cult spectatorship

– what a lark!

'Marcel Marceau'

'Marcel Marceau' timothy r gates, 3/22/2010





and, laugh

maybe with us

certainly at us

who hear

but do not see.

'paschal delight

'paschal delight' timothy r gates, 3/28/2010

Well spent

his scythe wiped,

he awaits her recitation

used to her laughter

his intended slice

her intended demise

only a reprieve

awaiting morning's grin,

paschal delight

blessed repose, she teases,

'So, you've been here long?'

'Wizardry' or 'Paschal Dance'

'Wizardry' or 'Paschal Dance' timothy r gates, 04/02/2010

wizards and imps

fairies and gnomes

the green man whispers

the moon lady sways in the mist

skip to their tunes

twirl till you fall

roll down a hill

dimples deeper than hell

grins wider than hate

grimaces baptized by the sun

smiles unable to be softened

jump into a big pile of leaves

then, just for fun,

do it again

wizardry loves redundancy.

'I've tried to not use words'

'I've tried to not use words' timothy r gates, 4/23/2010

I have tried to not use

words like

ass, piss-off or bullshit.

but i don't think that i've tried to

refrain from saying,

fuck or fuck it.

My thoughts do not use

these words

I'm not part of these words

It appears that this is a mantra

when all else fails

when divinity's too long silent

when all you know is tried –

fuck it, or fuck works quite well.

Words are pearls

counting one at a time

coming to their end

removing the awkwardness of quiet

we recline.

'If there is to be any peace it will come through being not having.' + Henry Miller 'Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.' + Martin Luther King Jr. 'The search for Truth is the search for God.' + Gandhi

'creative honesty

'Creative honesty' timothy r gates, 5/10/2010

Neo is
first a pejorative
was thought ugly
Abstract is
Modernity is
lines – ha!
claimed uniquenesses,
oblique opacity
ex nihilo, eis nihilo –
light shines
darkness cuddles
evening's awakened –
'Good morning,
damn – it's the same sun.'

'gay, not happy or fun'

'gay, not happy or fun' timothy r gates, 3/04/2008

gay, fun, happy
uncle Bob, died;
didn't need to,
but did,
thought he'd spare those,
family, friends, loved ones;
he fell asleep,
in his car,
in his garage,
because he was gay.
Uncle Bob never stole a child's innocence;
his straight brother did,
neither were happy,
neither had much fun,
one is dead,
because he thought he'd spare us
from him being gay.

'it's all about sex!'
they say about 'the gays.'
dammit, it's about sex until it isn't for most people.
love is lust
(we see someone that we like,
euphemism for, we find them physically, mentally, emotional attractive),
then lust is love,
and if we dare persevere,
here we find what is called,
the elusive,
'true love.'
straight or gay,
sooner or later, often sooner,
life is not happy,
life is not fun,
life is not gay;
when you're alone in the corner,
without your best friend,
your friend,
your lover,
your brother, sister, daughter, son,
your grandmother, grandfather,
your father, your mother,
your wife, your husband,
you're alone.
Some days
we're all gay,
not happy,
not having fun,
i'm not gay, today;
but i'm not alone either,

Monday, May 10, 2010

'forty years, and still adding' or 'those damn kids!'

'forty years, and still adding' or 'those damn kids!' timothy r gates, 5/04/2010

a week before,
i walked the Commons
one year before my time.
Picked up a window decal
for my 64' Fairlane
(a green American Flag peace sign)
two killed, on their way to class,
other two, still, near 300 feet away –
only books and fliers in their hands –
damn threat, those kids!

monday, in class.
friday, before this monday,
President Nixon
rescinded his promise
to bring 'home our boys'
He preached,
'Cambodia is a real threat.'
(My new President promised the same,
with his underhand toss,
'Afghanistan is a real threat!')

Mr. President “I'm not a crook”
gave his imprimatur,
'Better dead than red.'
yes, these four
were neither red or dead.
hearts opened, burnt earth beneath them
baptizing where i had been
just days before.
The Guardsmen, the Students
blamed by cowards in D.C.

Mr. or Mrs. President, Senate President,
House Speaker – ATTENTION!
you hover over our
'boys and girls,' continue
spewing your silver star mantra,
'You're fighting to keep us free!'
Guards and Reserves, no longer a haven
not since forty years ago, and still adding .
– How many trillion dollars will be spent
before those damn kids will stop being a threat?